December 26, 2009

Christmas Time!

This year for Christmas, I managed to pull off 2, count them 2 treats from Jay and Amy. Christmas Eve, Jay and Amy went out with friends and while they were gone, I found the popcorn ball present that the groomer gave them to give me. I quickly gobbled that deliciousness up and waited for them to get home. When they got home, they saw that I ate the popcorn ball. I got scolded, but that’s all!

On Christmas day, Jay put together a 30Rock themed Christmas for Amy. Here I am as Tracy Jordan.
After Jay and Amy opened their gifts, I got to open a present but it was not a treat.

I’m not upset that I got another stupid outfit because I got a 2nd treat anyway. Manipulating Jay and Amy is EASY! Maybe next year I will try for 3 treats.

November 21, 2009

Doc Visit

Today Jay and Amy took me to Doc’s house. Since Grump and Mee-Maw were on vacation, I thought that this was going to be a great visit because I could chase their pesky cat Doc all around the house and not get yelled at by Grump. However, when we arrived, Doc jumped right on Amy’s back and sat on her shoulders like a necklace.
I could not believe it…Amy actually let him on her shoulders and I think that she may have enjoyed it.
One day I’ll catch Doc and teach him to never mess with MY Amy!

November 20, 2009

10th Birthday!

Today I turned 10 years old. Jay and Amy are usually great at throwing parties so I got all dressed up this morning waiting for the surprise. Sadly, none came. No party, no presents to unwrap...What the heck happened! I was ready to pack up my things and leave when Jay called me to give me a treat.

I guess I'll stay around for another year!

November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

This year as usual, Amy got me another stupid costume to wear. I have learned throughout the years to let Amy have her fun so I wore the costume without giving her much trouble.
Halloween this year was very wet. It had rained all day and by 6:00pm when trick or treating started in our neighborhood, it was pouring. As always, I monitored the door keeping a look out for treaters. If I liked them, they were allowed candy.

October 24, 2009


Jay and Amy always tell their friends that I snore very loud sometimes when I sleep. A few nights ago I was sleeping and unbeknownst to me, Jay recorded me snoring. I added the sound file below because I personally do not think that it sounds that bad. They are just lucky I let them sleep in the bed with me and not on the floor at night.

October 23, 2009


A few days ago, Jay and Amy spotted a tic on me. They pulled it out but now I have a scab where I was bit. It itched so badly and I just had to keep scratching it. Amy saw that I was scratching the area open and she put this stupid wrap around me so I cannot get to it. Man I wish that I had opposable thumbs right now. Not only does it still itch, but I can’t go outside without the lady dogs making fun of me. I wish that it would just heal already!

October 1, 2009

Lola Plays "Find The Sock"

Today was Lola's last day at our house because Tom and Lisa are coming back from vacation. Thank goodness...I thought she'd never leave. This evening before Tom came to get her, Jay and Amy thought it would be fun to take the sock that Lola is obsessed with when she was not looking and video her trying to find it.

I of course LMAO on the couch the whole time while she repeatedly fell into their evil plot.

September 30, 2009

Lola Steals The Show

Tonight Lola and I were playing and I felt like showing off my flips that Jay does to me. It was AWESOME! Of course when I got done, Lola came to Jay with this sock that she started playing with yesterday. Amy and Jay think that it is SOOOOO cute. Big deal, so she never wants to give up the sock. Anyway, long story short, Jay and her started playing with the sock and my flips were forgotten.
Having Lola here this past week has been fun, but I can't wait to get back to the good old days of just Jay, Amy and Me!

September 25, 2009

Lola Going Crazy!

Lola came to visit us one more time while the Hill's went to Disney. All I can say is that she is going to put me in an early grave with how energetic she is. One morning she decided to run in circles around the bed. I could only watch and laugh at how crazy she is. I am so glad that Jay was able to film it as you would never believe me.

When will Lola learn that laying around and sleeping is a better alternative and also makes for a GREAT day?!

September 9, 2009

Vacation At the Hill's House

This past week, Jay and Amy went on vacation without me. They sent me to the Hill's house for the week to spend time with my friend Lola. I love it there, it is so relaxing! Also, I do not have to be on my best behavior because Tom and Lisa feel bad yelling at me. I am the KING of their house.

During the week, after I ate some fallen food, Lisa tried to get it out of my mouth. She even tried putting on my shock collar, but I knew that it would not work. After the food digested, I managed to hack Lisa's Facebook page. Below is Lisa's, I mean my post. HEE! HEE! HEE!

You see Jay, I have my special collar on. You told Lisa it would work to "shock" me into listening. But you are wrong. I ate a big piece of cheddar cheese and Lisa couldn't do anything about it. LOL!! I'm loving it here! Woohoo!

August 12, 2009

Day Of Rest..Or So I Thought

Today, I was sleeping comfortably on the bed when I heard a click sound.
I opened my eyes and what do I see? Jay with his camera pointed in my face.
I cooperated for one more shot and I am glad that he stopped as I was just about ready to kick his butt for waking me up.

July 28, 2009

When Will These Dogs Leave?

Jay and Amy just got done watching the Hills' dog, Lola and I thought that I would finally have some time to myself. However, the next day, Shadow comes running in the door. He is an ok friend, but an extremely close talker. I try to growl at him, but he just does not get it. Anyway, one day, Amy was throwing the ball to Shadow and he kept chasing it through a box that was on the ground. When will he understand that life is all about laying down and sleeping...exercise sucks!!!

July 14, 2009

Lola Visit – Squirrels

Jay was working from home this morning so Lola and I got to look out the front screen door. I told Lola about those pesky squirrels that are always outside the front of the house. We finally saw one and we barked like crazy to have Jay let us out. I thought that we would finally get one, but the squirrel climbed up the tree as it always does. Lola told me that she was going to climb up the tree to get it, but I think that she is silly and needs to be a bit taller.

July 12, 2009

Lola Visits Again - Bike Ride

The Hills are on vacation so Jay and Amy are dog sitting Lola. This will be her longest vist of the summer and we are hoping to have a lot of fun. Tonight, we went on a bike ride. However, I do not think that Lola liked it very much. I always sit down and enjoy the ride, but she stood the entire time...I guess that she is not that used to my pampered spoiled life.

May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Get-A-Way

This past weekend, Jay and Amy went away with couples from their small group for the Memorial Day weekend to a cabin in the Jim Thorpe area. I was so excited because I was actually allowed to go on this vacation with them. We arrived Friday evening and left Monday afternoon. The hardest part of the trip was trying to find a comfortable spot in the car on the drive to and from the cabin.
While we were on vacation, I got to spend time with Jay and Amy,
eat some treats,
and when Jay and Amy were not watching, I may have thrown back a few.
It was nice to go on vacation with Jay and Amy and their friends.

May 10, 2009

Duck Hunt

Today while celebrating Mother's Day at Griff and Barbs house, we were visited by 2 newborn ducks that came waddling into the yard. Barb tried to chase them away, but they kept coming back. They think that the ducks got separated from their mother because she was nowhere in sight. Jay called his parents and since they have a pond and other ducks, Jay and Amy put them in a box and took them to Grump and Mee-maw’s house. Once the ducks were in the tub, I got to TRY to play with them. However, Amy and Jay kept holding me back. All I wanted to do was say hello!

April 6, 2009

Hawaiian Horror

Griff and Barb were given a vacation to Hawaii from Jesse last Christmas. They went last week and had a blast. Jay and Amy went to their house tonight to see photos and videos of the trip. When we got there, Barb handed out gifts to everyone. I was hoping not to get anything because I knew that if I was to get something, it would be embarrassing.
Why can’t people understand that I like MY OWN fur coat best?

Baby's Bad Dream

Yesterday I was sleeping on Jay and I was having a very bad dream. Jay and Amy have said that I make a funny noise when I dream, but I did not believe them until now. Amy and Jay say that when I am in a deep sleep, I make the noise a lot. However, this is the first time they have gotten it on film.

February 9, 2009

My Tongue Talent

Today I decided that it was a good time to show Jay and Amy my special talent. Because I have an extremely long tongue, I am able to twist it to look like a curly fry. Check it out.